Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Have Some Nerdy News

Ok that was a ridiculous title. Anyways, I am attending Comic Con 2009 at the end of July. Don't laugh! I know it is for really geeky, nerdy, type people. The kind of people that are going to dress up like The Joker from Batman or Yoda. But, hear me out.. there are gonna be celebs there and possible free stuff. What's better than that? Here's a link to info about comic con and what celebs have attended if you're interested. I decided to go because I love doing new things and meeting new people and it's held at the San Diego Convention Center which is only like a half hour from where I live. I've been kind of living in a bubble and just realized people actually travel long distances to attend comic con and it's a big deal. Oh, and I'm a fan of Star Wars, Xmen, and Iron Man. There, I am qualified.

Here's some of what I'm looking forward to:

Just some guys casually dressed as Ghostbusters and Luke Skywalker

Who knows, maybe I'll meet my future husband here? Maybe not..

I will post more on this, including the schedule they will post and maybe some pics of when I go. I know this will bring lots of readers! Haha =) Stay tuned!

Au Revoir xx


Farah said...

thats awesome!! I love all the shows that you do but including Ghostbusters, The Justice League and Transformers! that sounds really nerdy!

alissa said...

holy schnikies you have to take pictures!

Rebecca said...

Nerdy is cool! I think it's supposed to be Anakin, not Luke, Luke never wore that type of robe. And I've seen those movies way to many times!!