Friday, April 24, 2009


I think I do one embarassing thing per day. Today, I fell during yoga. Of course no one saw (I think) But I was still embarassed! A couple of days ago I was leaving class during our break and my teacher saw me and said "Ditching?" I replied "Have to go. Have an appointment." Why do these stupid things come out of my mouth?

Speaking of embarassing.. I couldn't help feeling embarassed for Milo in An American in Paris. Oh well she was creepy anyways. Jerry could do so much better.. and he did!

Speaking of Gene Kelly (sorry for all the "speaking ofs").. do you prefer Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire?

I choose both!

Au Revoir xx


alissa said...

i just watched that movie! i have to say gene. just more fun to watch in my opinion - but both obviously very talented.
i like the opening scene where he does this little dance of converting his apartment from a bedroom to the studio