Monday, May 11, 2009


I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated! I've just been really busy with lots of homework and getting ready for finals. Only two more weeks of classes! But then sadly a few weeks after that I am going to be taking an art class and maybe one other class. I miss the days of having summer break!

So, my favorite movie is Roman Holiday and I get all excited anytime I see it mentioned anywhere. Well on Saturday I was watching You, Me, and Dupree with Kate Hudson & Owen Wilson while doing my assignments for music class. I always need a TV show or a movie on while doing homework or studying, it just works that way. Anyways, there was a part in the movie when Owen Wilson's character is watching Roman Holiday. I thought that was so cute and reminded me how much I love Roman Holiday. After finals are over I'm just going to kick back, relax, and watch it since it's been ages since I've seen it.

Tomorrow I am off to Disneyland for my mom's birthday since they are doing the free admission on your birthday thing. I am going to get another annual pass so I can go with my friend whenever we want. Haha last year we went there so many times we would get bored and sit on a bench or just go there to get some food.

I read an article in the L.A. times about Bonnie and Clyde and I thought it was really interesting and so now I'm planning on watching the 1967 movie "Bonnie and Clyde" with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty. Hope it's good!

Au Revoir xx


Farah said...

hope you have a great break =)

William Street Store said...

I loveeee these images of disney land !! so gorgeous!

Annisa Anjani said...

i love disneyland! i've been there twice in paris and hongkong.
theyare amazing!